Tempesta 100 Hand shower 1 spray

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GROHE New Tempesta 100 hand shower with durable chrome finish and Rain spray

At the end of a hard day, relax into the feeling of being enveloped in a shower of warm summer rain. The New Tempesta 100 range's hand shower lets to enjoy this sensation every day. Drift away under the Rain spray and rejoice in the perfectly consistent flow from each of the nozzles – all down to the GROHE DreamSpray technology. This hand shower comes in the GROHE StarLight chrome finish, so will also be an eye-catching element in your bathroom scheme. Thanks to its durability, it will retain its sheen use after use. In case you drop it, the ShockProof silicone ring protects from internal and surface damage. A smart choice that will enhance your bathroom.

  • Chức năng phun mưa
  • Chế độ phun hoàn hảo GROHE DreamSpray
  • Bề mặt Chrome GROHE Long-Life
  • Hệ thống chống cặn vôi SpeedClean
  • Công nghệ Inner WaterGuide tăng tuổi thọ vòi sen
  • ShockProof silicone ring prevents damages caused by shower falling
  • Hệ thống Gác sen Đa năng. Phù hợp với tất cả dây sen tiêu chuẩn

  • Phù hợp với bình nước nóng trực tiếp
  • Áp suất tối thiểu 1,0 bar
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1 Dirt strainer 0700200M